Jesus Christ loves people. Read the gospels and you will discover how he proved his love over and over again. Soulwinning, evangelism, touching people, witnessing, and working with people is to be one of the foremost lifestyle activities of every born again christian. I’ve been reading a book, authored by J. Mark Jordan, They Probably Told Me … But I Wasn’t Listening, and this morning I was especially intrigued by the chapter Have We Been Trained To Not Win Souls? The following paragraph really tells the truth:
Let us refocus. Let us abandon our sterile ways of non-soul-winning and take up the messy mission of real life outreach. Let us learn how to mingle with the sinner without being influenced by his sin. Let us study how to kneel in the dust beside a beaten man whose blood oozes from open wounds instead of kneeling only in the air-conditioned comfort of a carpeted prayer room. Let us practice our trust in the keeping power of the Holy Spirit instead of fearfully hiding out in a church sanctuary where nobody threatens us. Let us follow the example of our chief Shepherd who ate dinner in the house of sinners, who permitted a woman of ill repute to anoint his feet and wife them with her hair, and who hung between two thieves as he departed from this world. Jordan, J. Mark, They Probably Told Me . . . But I Wasn’t Listening, p. 77, Word Aflame Press, 2014.
Thank you, J. Mark Jordan for this incredible insight. Lord Jesus, help us to not “hide out.” Help us to care enough to do all we can to take you, to them.